Mutant Punks City.. one of my first NFTs. With that artwork its a winner for sure!

How Will NFTs Change the World?

2 min readNov 19, 2021

Hello world.

Or rather.. Hello Metaverse?

I’ve decided to write about my crypto / NFT journey here on Medium.

I started getting involved in crypto sometime last year, reading a little more and more each day. It was great, and the idea of a digital currency was super interesting, but life went on as it has a habit of doing and discussions about blockchain were reserved for 2am when all other subjects had been covered.

Bitcoin has been around since 2009 so it’s nothing new and while exciting, I never really paid a ton of attention to it.

But then things changed. Alternative coins came along. NFTs gained traction.

Mike Winkelmann, better known as the artist Beeple, sold a JPEG for $69.3 MILLION.


That got my attention.

And it seems to have quickly spiralled from there. The Wall Street Bets gang tried to take down the stock market, Ethereum exploded in value, jokes like the Dogecoin became real money and Facebook changed its name to “Meta” and I thought.. right, that’s it. I’m in!

I’m a financial analyst by day and so excited to see where the world of NFTs will go. I’ve already bought a couple and absolutely love the friendliness and enthusiasm of the NFT community.

I truly believe NFTs and blockchain and the Metaverse are going to change the world.

Are you with me?





A journey through crypto, NFTs & the metaverse. #MutantPunkCity #ApeKidsClub #Sandbox let’s go! 🚀